Sunday, November 25, 2012

And now, for something completely different!

I suppose I really shouldn't use my blog to toot my own horn, and I know I should be recounting all the things we tasted and savored at the Thanksgiving Day dinner table, but, since I am, after all, a pianist, this first . . . 

On Saturday, December 1st, 2012, I'll be performing three works from my forthcoming recording of the Iberia Suite by Isaac AlbĂ©niz. The concert will take place at Tenri Cultural Institute here in New York City and is sponsored by the New York Alumni Chapter of Mu Phi Epsilon, an international music fraternity of which I am one of its members. This is our 14th year at Tenri and your generous support of our concerts will enable us to provide the opportunity to worthy young musicians who are in need of funds. I'm attaching a flyer herein with all the pertinent information. 

The Iberia recording is a 2-CD boxed set and will be released and distributed by Centaur Records. There will be pre-release copies of my CD available to purchase after the concert and I will be signing them especially for the occasion. 

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