Saturday, June 29, 2013


MY LAST video of Martha Stewart doing the two bowl method of peeling an entire head of garlic elicited some rather strong responses from friends - especially from those who actually tried it - "didn't work with new fresh OR old fresh garlic", "I thought you said it worked, but the bowls didn't stay together", etc., etc., etc. Well, here is another video from SAVEUR with the Food Editor, Todd Coleman, who I suspect has already "prepared" the head to help it along. If you look  closely at 0:26 seconds into the video (link below), you will clearly see that the garlic head has been loosened. I'm not saying that he's cheating, only that it would be more honest to tell people that this is the way to do it. I've tried smashing a head of garlic with my hand and it is a very dangerous business indeed; at least for me - a pianist! I usually smash my heads of garlic with a Chinese meat clever, the ultimate kitchen weapon! Anyway, watch the video, the background music is fun, he has a very nice speaking voice and the Saveur test kitchen in the background is a dream! And most important of all, his method works!

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