Wednesday, September 18, 2013



I went out this morning with my dog, only to find out that I hadn't dressed well enough for the elements - it was cold out and windy too!  So, on the way back home after being out in Riverside Park watching the dogs romp and seeing the white caps (!!!) on the Hudson, I was fantasizing about croissants and brownies and when I got home, guess what, that's exactly what I set out to do. Of course, I won't be able to eat or even bake the croissants until tomorrow because I made the dough today and one must turn and fold and roll and chill several times before the butter and the paste become layers and layers of gorgeous dough just waiting to be cut and rolled and baked to a fabulously buttery crisp! But, on the brownie front, I was much more successful in attaining something on the level of instant gratification without having to wait 24 hours.

These are the best brownies I have ever baked OR eaten. Period! Hands down, the absolute winner!

I have been using a recipe for quite a while now from the fantastic pastry alchemist, Maida Heatter, called Palm Beach Brownies. She puts mints in these brownies which I don't really care for so I omit the mints and double the chocolate. These brownies are rich, gooey squares and just a small square on the par of a piece of fudge will do just fine. Trust me!

The process may seem elaborate but with the proper utensils and a methodical mind, you can do this in less than an hour. And whatever you do, do not even think about counting calories here. These are special treats for special occasions, like a holiday or a birthday but especially when you need to uplift your spirits. When in doubt, do it with chocolate!

Invert a 9x12x3 inch rectangular baking pan and cover it with aluminum foil (shiny side down). Crimp the corners to make a nice mold which you will then insert into the pan. You can either put a pat of butter on the foil and put it in a 250º oven for 3 minutes and brush the melted butter all over the bottom and sides of the foil or you can melt the butter in the microwave and brush it from the bowl. Makes no difference. Once that is done, set it aside and heat the oven to 425º.

Melt 1 pound of very good chocolate (I used Belgian - Callebaut) and 2 sticks of butter in a double boiler with 1 heaping tbs. very strong, finely ground coffee or Medaglia d'Oro Espresso Powder.

While the chocolate is melting:
5 eggs (Grade A large)
3 3/4 cups sugar
2 tsp. vanilla
1 tsp. almond extract
1/4 tsp. salt

Mix eggs and sugar until fluffy and pale yellow. Add the other ingredients and continue to beat for about 10 minutes. When the chocolate is melted, add that and mix until it is just  incorporated. Add:

1 2/3 cups sifted flour and mix that until it is well incorporated. It isn't necessary to mix too much. 

2 cups chopped walnuts or pecans (optional)

Fold in the nuts and spread the brownie mix all over the baking pan with a rubber spatula making sure the mixing bowl is emptied completely. Level the mixture out with an offset spatula until you achieve an even surface.

Place in the oven and bake for 35 minutes. Make sure to turn the pan around half way through (I do 17 minute increments)  to ensure even baking. 

When the timer goes off, take out the brownies. You can check with a toothpick or a knife and it will most certainly come out a little gooey. This is fine; you don't want them completely cooked as the brownies will settle and cool. After the brownies have completely cooled, invert on a cookie sheet, remove the foil and invert again onto a rack and allow to cool even more. You can refrigerate or freeze the whole piece to harden and cool so you can cut the brownies into pieces. 

Store in a plastic container lined with wax paper and refrigerate or freeze. The brownies will stay fresh for about a week and will keep in the freezer for at least a month - if they last at all!  

You will find that these brownies are very dense and rich with amazingly delicious - almost addictive - chocolate flavor.



  1. These sound amazing!
    Susan K.

    1. You are very welcome. You should make these in Milwaukee as part of the birthday celebrations! They're not hard to make and you get so much if you cut them into small squares. They're also best with pecans instead of walnuts. Sometimes I put a cup of peanut butter in the mix as well . . . OMG! SO RiCH!
