Saturday, April 26, 2014


I'M ON A ROLL HERE! So please indulge me; I haven't been writing in a while and need to do this once and for all or it will never get written.

Carciofi (artichokes) are in season in Italy in the winter but here, we almost always have them in abundance  Large or small, they are always completely satisfying. Trimming the artichoke is key. I use a scissors to cut off the pointed ends of the leaves and then cut the choke so the top is even. Peel off  the outer leaves until you see the white/light green parts of the leaves. If you have stems on the chokes trim the bottom but leave the stems attached. If you're going to use large artichokes, you'll have to take a spoon and scoop out the hairy choke in the center as this is inedible.

Carciofi all Romana
After you've trimmed the artichokes, rub the leaves with    lemon juice. Put into a bowl of cold water and reserve.

2-3 cloves smashed garlic
4 tbs. chopped parsley
4 tbs. chopped mint
1 tsp. Kosher salt
1/2 cup water
1/2 cup olive oil

Prepare the herb mixture by mixing the herbs and salt together. Place some of the mixture in the center of each of the artichokes. Reserve any leftover herbs for the pan when cooking.

In a saucepan just large enough to hold all the artichokes standing upside down, heat the oil and the garlic, add the water and bring to the boil. Add the artichokes and any of the remaining herbs and cook covered over medium heat for 35-45 minutes. Check occasionally to see if the artichokes need more liquid. You'll know when the artichoke is done if the leaves come off the stem easily.

Arrange in a small serving dish, stems up, and serve immediately or with antipasto.

Buon appetito!

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