Thursday, August 21, 2014


SO, SUMMER IS HERE IN FULL FORCE! And it's almost over! I've tried to write entries for the last month but have constantly been deterred by one thing or the other, including a long trip to California. Almost immediately afterwards, I went to Fire Island for my annual week on the beach. 

In preparation for my yearly trek, though, I start to prepare things in the late spring and early summer, depending on when I'm planning to be out there. This year, I made caponatina, preserved tuna, several flavors of jam, including apricot, strawberry and orange marmalade and  the most amazing pickled bell peppers packed in oil. I also made home-made gianduja, which eventually became gelato (I made several flavors) but you'll have to wait for my next entry on that! 

I found this recipe in Lorenza de Medici's Antipasti. It is one of the most luscious and outrageous things I have ever put into my mouth.

Pickled Bell Peppers in Oil with Anchovies and Capers
3-4 bell peppers (preferably yellow, red and orange)
4 cups red wine vinegar
4 tbs. capers
2 tins anchovy filets in oil
1 cup (but probably more) olive oil
3-5 sterilized canning jars

Cut the peppers in half, core and seed them and remove the stem. Cut each half lengthwise into 4 slices. Put the peppers in a pot with the vinegar and cook for about 15-20 minutes. Remove the peppers and dry them with a dish towel. Let cool and place in canning or preserving jars, layering them with a teaspoon of capers and some of the anchovies. When the jar is filled almost to the top but not packed too tightly, cover the entire contents with olive oil. Continue doing this with all of the prepared jars until all of the contents is used up. Allow the peppers to rest in the jars for about 15 minutes to absorb the oil. Cover the peppers with more oil, if necessary and then cover and seal. Please the clean jars in a cool, dry and dark  cupboard and let them rest for about a month. 

After a month, you can open them as you please and serve on a plate with other antipasto and bread. 

Buon appetito!

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