Saturday, March 21, 2015


TODAY WE CELEBRATE the 330th birthday of 
Johann Sebastian Bach. As musicians, we have so much for which to be thankful. To any keyboard player (organ, piano, harpsichord, et. sl.), his music laid the foundation for all keyboard music that followed. So tonight, Mu Phi Epsilon celebrates his life and music at Tenri Cultural Institute, 43a West 13th Street, New York City at 7:30 p.m.

Or click here for a chuckle!  MPENYCAC BLOG

I'm back, as you can see. More on food next week: Creamed corn and leeks with rice and broiled cod. Vegetable soup (the last vestige of winter), Pasta (of course) cooked several ways, including Gnocchi di Ricotta and a few other masterpieces up my sleeve. But in the meantime: Happy Birthday Johann!

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