Saturday, April 18, 2015


IT WOULD BE  A TERRIBLE THING indeed if one didn't acknowledge their friends. Friends who share recipes and dishes are friends indeed. 

I am a carnivore, but in today's day and age, meat isn't the only thing going on. Recently, a friend of mine, also a very good cook and baker in his own right, brought me something that I had never eaten before. A meatless chopped liver! I am here to say that it is one of the most delicious things I've eaten in a very long time; to the point that, the other night, I couldn't stop eating the stuff. Then, I spoke about it to a couple of other people who have done the same thing - always for Passover, by the way - but in a variety of ways. 

One way is with canned peas, another way is with lentils, but the basic ingredients are really so simple that it's silly.

4 hard boiled eggs
1 cup walnuts
1 large onion, sauteed and caramelized in oil of your choice
1 can green peas (or 1 cup cooked lentils)

Prepare all ingredients and put them in a food processor and zap them into a paste, just like chopped liver and place them in a container. It is always best the next day but we all have our own devices and desires.

Bon appetit!

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