Thursday, November 7, 2013


"IN OUR CURRENT SOCIETY, everyone tries to swindle everybody else. There is nothing we can do about it."

These words of wisdom are a direct quote from a video on China's gutter oil . . . a very toxic oil made from recycled everything under the sun. Click on the link to view a short YouTube report on what you should definitely be suspicious of when eating in Chinese restaurants, carts, "pop-ups", etc., when in the land of Mao.

Which brings me to the Extra Virgin thing. I was reading a book by Tom Mueller called Extra Virginity, a scandalous report on the complete fraud the extra virgin olive oil industry has become. If what he says is to be believed, and I do believe him, 90% of the extra virgin olive oil from Italy isn't extra virgin at all, and isn't even 100% Italian olive oil. In fact, most of it is barely fit for the lighting of lamps in churches (lampante). Some of it is even deodorized, which is a new twist on making something that stinks, stink even more! The famed Bertolli Olive Oil may be owned by the Bertolli family, but they are bankers, not olive growers. They don't even grow their own olives and it isn't from Tuscany, as some of their advertisements purport, but from all over the Mediterranean; Spain, Turkey, Libya, Tunisia, etc., etc., etc. How's that for a hoodwink?!

I suppose it could be said that this is in true keeping with the times. Governments spy on elected officials, monitor telephone calls of foreign dignitaries (and deny it) and lie to their constituents about every evil under the sun, so why not industries? And they thought Nixon was a crook!

I have a friend on Facebook, who is constantly going on and on about finding new reasons to "despise us," i.e. the  human race. It is a sad thing that what he says holds to be true not for just Americans but everyone else as well. Fraud, corruption and deceit have gone global. Apparently, the food industry is not immune to this very human condition. If I weren't hungry, I'd stop eating. And to quote an Italian who is unconcerned about selling lamp oil as olive oil: "people must have food, mustn't they?" Another Monsanto in the making? Or perhaps it's just another way of saying "let them eat cake!"

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