Sunday, December 29, 2013


I HAVE A VERY GOOD FRIEND, who, by personal inclination, wishes to remain anonymous. That does not mean that I can't praise his laurels for being someone who is equal to any culinary challenge (I made dessert and baked all the cookies). I am not providing any recipes here and the photographs from dinner aren't completely "spruced up" but they certainly convey the essence of what a trio of gourmandes experienced on a cold Christmas night! 

Sometimes, less is more, but on Christmas Day, we decided to be extravagant and decadent, so our menu was simple, yet complex. 

Blood and Navel Orange Salad with Baby Watercress,  
Red Onion and Avocado 

Lobster Bisque

Beef Wellington
Brussel Sprouts Braised in Apple Juice
Tiny New Potatoes Roasted with Anchovy Oil

Chocolate Mousse topped with Whipped Cream 
and Candied Orange Peel

Assorted Cookies

Somewhere along the line, our mascots, Ludwig the Cockapoo  and Sheba the Chihuahua relished in morsels of puff pastry, lobster, beef tenderloin and duck treats, but no chocolate.

I will simply supply the list of dishes with photographs and be done with it. Unfortunately, when the vision of gorgeous slivers of blood oranges and red onion arrived at the table (on a very fetching green leafy plate, no less!), I completely forgot about the Kodak moment, so, you'll just have to imagine what this mega-flavor-tease actually looked like. 

Lobster Bisque

Beef Wellington

Chocolate Mousse


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