Thursday, February 27, 2014


I KNOW THAT THEY'RE REALLY NOT in season but . . . I'm going to write about them anyway and I'm going to write down two recipes for plain old green beans which, if you're not crazy about them now, will change your mind about this vegetable forever. It's really quite simple. One of these recipes I got from a friend next door and the other from a friend far away. You can make these in less than 20 minutes.

1 lb. fresh green beans, trimmed
olive oil

Boil a big pot of water. Add 1 tbs. salt when the water reaches the boiling point. Add the beans and cook for about 7 or 8 minutes. You don't want them to be completely cooked. Drain the beans, put them back in the pot and set over a moderately high flame. Add about 2 or 3 tablespoons of olive oil and saute them until they start to crinkle and brown a little. Add salt. Toss and remove from flame. Serve immediately.

Green Bean French Fries

These are especially good as a snack but must be eaten piping hot. Just as with French Fries, they wilt and lose their deliciousness the more they cool off.

Preheat oven to 400ยบ

1 lb. fresh green beans, trimmed
olive oil

1 rectangular roasting pan lined with parchment paper. Add enough olive oil to make a thin film over entire surface (3 tbs. or so). Add 1 tbs. Kosher salt and place the beans in a parallel position on the pan so you can roll them around the oil and the salt.

Place in the oven and roast for about 20 minutes or until they are crunchy, crisp and slightly browned and shriveled. Serve immediately. 

Bon appetito!


  1. Tried these and they came out great! Wonderful snack!

  2. They're delicious, aren't they?! So glad you liked them. of course, they're taboo for me now. Sigh . . .
